
About Smoke

Smoke.Network is a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) blockchain tailored to the needs and wants of cannabis users and SMOKE is the coin that powers it. To learn more read our about page, pitch deck or whitepaper. Our first minimal viable product (MVP), is currently in development and is scheduled to be released in Q3 2018.
The SMOKE Sale will start in Q2 2018, after our MVP launch, and will last approximately 5 weeks. If all coins available for sale are sold out, the SMOKE Sale may end prematurely.
Base coin sale price: 1 SMOKE = 0.1 USD, calculated as the price of BTC at the time of purchase. Early contributors will benefit from a bonus timeline.
To take part in the SMOKE Sale, you need to agree to all of our terms and sign up to our mailing list. Note that the coins are limited and will be sold on a first come first serve basis. The mailing list will be sent an early invitation to the sale as well as a detailed instruction on how to contribute.
If the hardcap is not reached by the end of the sale all remaining SMOKE coins will be placed into a foundation trust whereby it will be distributed to new users that sign up to the Smoke.Network and add influence or value.
50% of all initial SMOKE will be airdropped to those that participate in our bounty airdrop campaign found by clicking the button in the bottom left corner of this website. Participants will be issued SMOKE according to how many valid entries they have participated in similar to an IBO (Initial Bounty Offering).

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SMOKE.NETWORK - The Worlds First Blockchain Cannabis Social Network
